We want to let you know that the current Covid-19 health situation, that is affecting us globally and locally, is very important to us. We are closely monitoring the changing situation and recommendations from local, state, and federal health agencies, along with the International Chiropractic Association.
We have always been a wellness clinic and have been committed to providing a safe and clean environment. Nevertheless, in light of the current situation, we are taking extra precautions by disinfecting tables after each patient, washing hands frequently, and disinfecting all surfaces and countertops hourly throughout the day.
Additional steps we will be taking at this time are the following:
- We will greet each other with a wave instead of a handshake and/or hug
- We will be cleaning and disinfecting community areas more often
- We will be screening patients for recent travel activities and for signs/symptoms of infection
- We will be limiting our social interaction outside the office
If you are scheduled for an appointment and are experiencing a fever or cough, or have been exposed to someone who is experiencing these symptoms, we kindly ask that you contact the office to reschedule.
While in public, be sure to maintain a common-sense level of personal space around you. If you see another person who appears to be feeling unwell, coughing, etc., be sure to stay at least six feet from them. Follow all guidelines that are given by your local and state health officials.
At this time, and with the above precautions, we will continue to have our standard office hours for daily patient care; however, the health and safety of our patients and our employees are our number one concern at this time, so we will continue to actively monitor the situation.
Finally, as a reminder, a famous quote from B. J. Palmer, DC, PhC, the developer of Chiropractic, says “The preservation of health is easier than the cure for disease”. We wish you all good health and wellness as we work through these difficult circumstances together.
Dr. Maggio and the staff at Ogden Family Chiropractic